Daily Archives: 05/06/2010

Mom Unearthing My Room

my cell phone started ringing. i, fumbling and found, said, “hey, mom”. weary but cheerful was her reply, “i’m here!”. 
we’d been talking for so long about her coming to visit but the plan was never successful. suddenly, yesterday at noon, she decided to endure the 9-hour ride to come see me this weekend.

mom has a charm to make any place become “home”. when she walked into my mess, she was resolute to unearth it and brought cleanliness into my room. that was done in 3 hours: throwing out dust-covered cardboard boxes that came with stuff i bought, sweeping and mopping the floor, washing the fan, doing laundry and cleaning bathroom.

not that i never did housework but i usually polished the outside of it. sweeping the floor everyday made me feel “not too dirty” but the cause of it was those cardboard boxes, which i’d kept for almost a year, gathered dust.

human tends to do that too. we cover our sin by doing good and making merits. we sweep the floor of our life telling ourselves that it is clean. 

the message Jesus had been proclaiming speaks otherwise – that good deed doesn’t make our life cleaner…it only makes us look “not too dirty”.

we need to let our Father walk into our mess and unearth it. whatever sin we cover up, we need to throw it away and let Him polish our life clean. 

the grace and love of Jesus is so unconditional and abounding that the filthiest sin one ever commits can be erased forever.

mom playing chairball at the beach

mom the stylist