Category Archives: recreation

The 3 “F”s: Friends, Food And Fellowship

i realized that i have written too many grumbling posts, which, as i read through them now, are boring, unhealthy and somewhat discouraging. sometimes it is better to keep the matter to myself, spend more time praying and seeking God. so, yesterday, as i sat working in front of my computer screen, i just thought i wanted to do something exciting to this blog. i don’t know what i am going to do with it yet. perhaps i can create a theme and stick with it. or maybe i can post more of my photos from the everyday life. or i could write about my dreams and plans for next year. but there will be some changes…hopefully for the better.

today, i want to talk about something cheerful and humorous. it is about *food* and *friends*, the 2 f-words i am not embarrassed or reluctant to say it out loud.

currently, at compassion thailand office, there are about 70 staff members who come from different parts of thailand and, of course, diverse backgrounds. some come from big cities like bangkok or chiangmai while some are from rural or tribal villages. in spite of our original home locations, we are now melted into this one big multi-racial pot. and in some strange and wonderful ways, we partake in each other’s life. we create memories and journey through happy and misery together.

this place started off as a big professional office with gigantic computer server, systematic ranks between positions and incredibly deep and dynamic information. but now it has become a community of God-lovers, serious workers and food fans. every month, someone sends out an email about a get-together over dinner. within seconds, there will come a long email thread from almost everyone invited. within seconds, people reply to the email with their enthusiastic answers and suggestions. it is quite humorous, to be honest…sitting in front of the computer trying to concentrate on my story plot…then an email notification pops up with subjects like “som tum party” or “grill night”. what’s more the notification doesn’t come only once but keeps appearing every 5 seconds. you would have to drop what you were doing at the moment to see what was going on, if you were me. in addition to being passionate about serving the Lord, we are passionate eaters.

2 days ago, a group of us had “som tum” party at our cafeteria. the beginning of it all came from too many green papayas behind a staff’s backyard. so a correspondence staff suggested that we should make som tum, the ear-ringing spicy papaya salad. jang, our CIV administrator, who comes from i-saan, the northeastern part of thailand where this dish is the most renown, volunteered herself to be the cook. she made lots of lots of scrumptious papaya salad for all of us to enjoy. meet jang.

then yesterday, we ordered thin-crust pepperoni, meat deluxe, seafood and barbecue pizza for lunch. there were also fried chickens, mashed potato, vegetable salad and more papaya salad. there were 10 of us, girls. we cleaned the table. it was incredible and a bit scary, may i add, in a good way.

the food was marvelous. but the company was even more.


even though i felt like my stomach was bursting at its seams and all i could do was to lean back against my chair and sigh (of contentment, of course), the food and friends definitely brought comfort, joy and belly laugh to me. so if you find yourselves feeling grumpy or anxious about something, get together with friends you are comfortable to be with, open your fridge, explore your backyards, and fix something simple but delightful. you will be surprised you have lots to be thankful for.

Random On Saturday

recently, i have come to terms with God regarding pain and death. usually, these concepts as parts of my life were unacceptable. i was bitter when i thought about them. i was afraid.

but somehow, God miraculously changed my fear into joy, contentment and trust. it’s so unexpected that i can only assume it has to be Him who has done this. because of my past experience with dad suffering from cancer and passing away, death has haunted me. i had doubts about heaven and God’s supreme control. when i did, i only found nothingness as an answer despite the fact that the Bible clearly says that the end of our life on this earth is just only a beginning of something far greater.

now i’m glad God has allowed me to have joy despite circumstances. whatever will happen, i know that i’m in His will. it’s so strange…this acceptance. but i’m glad i own it now.

just random thought.

anyway, mom is here to visit and get a break from the chaotic bangkok until friday. we have done so much in a day already…or at least that’s how i feel. we had a buffet lunch at sizzlers this afternoon. so so good. i love the variety of food there. my favortie was probably the baked potato. my friend, p.gade, showed me that i could get sour cream, cheese and bacon bits from the salad bar to mix with the baked potato. oh. my. word. then we came home and i did my laundry. we watched a movie called “the taking of pelham 123”. one word – intense. and we got a thai massage. my mom, who doesn’t like other people to touch her body and cannot handle with tickles very well, was having a hard time. at one point, she politely asked the massage person to quickly finish because she couldn’t take it anymore. well, she tried. she was so opposite from me. i loved having people touch me…in a loving way…not harrassing, of course. 🙂 my muscles were so stiff that when the massage person started digging into it, i heard some cracks and groan. i felt like an old lady.

another random stuff on my saturday. have a great weekend!

Long Journey And A Cup of Coffee

i thought i would post the pictures of my last 3 days. i spent lots and lots of time on the road but God also blessed me with some recreation time.

the 1st part is me traveling to mae hong son province with 2 swiss girls. one of them sponsors an extremely shy boy from karen tribe. this is her 2nd visit to him. we joined the church service, visited his home, walked to his family’s rice paddies and prayed for them. then we drove to mae hong son province to stay for the night before dropping the girls off at pai, the renown chic district, on monday morning.

the 2nd part is me and starbucks. i think i just found my soulmate. 😉

so here you go:

mother and child reading the bible

karen lady with veggies for her pigs

a God-made umbrella...always handy 🙂

cloudy day

a water buffalo grazing on the grass

supachai's father with his rice paddies

jessica, the sponsor, teaching supachai, her sponsored child to ride a bike

family picture

a burmese-influenced temple in mae hong son province

this is cloud hovering over the mountains

this is fog lingering on the road

some wild flowers

happy sky

apple-walnut muffin with sprinkles of cocoa and cinnamon powder

hot caramel mocchiato = heaven on earth

do you see mangosteen and mustard here? 😉

working hard...

the coffee shop overlooks the renown tha pae gate. it's a good place to people-watch.

that's right, it's me. don't be disappointed. 😉

finding a pair of shoes that fits is like finding a good man. 3 hours of looking for this wasn't a waste of time.